Catalogue Pébéo
230 MERCHANDISING PRÉSENTOIRS ET GARNITURES DISPLAYS AND CONTENTS - EXPOSITORES Y CONTENIDOS COULEURS ACRYLIQUES - ACRYLIC COLOURS - COLORES ACRÍLICOS Ref : 352997 Garniture longue Auxiliaires Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries Artist Acrylics long content Surtido largo Auxiliares Artist Acrylics R ef P roduit - P roduct - P roducto GARNITURE LONGUE AUXILIAIRES ARTIST ACRYLICS AUXILIARIES ARTIST ACRYLICS LONG CONTENT SURTIDO LARGO AUXILIARES ARTIST ACRYLICS 352997 Gesso monocouche 4 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L One coat gesso 4 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Gesso ‘’monocapa’’ 4 botes 500 ml + 2 botes 1 L Gesso transparent 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Transparent gesso 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Gesso transparente 2 botes 500 ml + 2 botes 1 L Modeling paste haute densité 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Heavy modeling paste 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Pasta de modelar de alta densidad 2 botes 500 ml + 2 botes 1 L Modeling paste léger 2 pots 500 ml Light modeling paste 2 pots 500 ml Pasta de modelar ligera 2 botes 500 ml Bindex brillant 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Gloss bindex 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 1 L Bindex brillante 2 botes 500 ml + 2 botes 1 L Bindex mat 2 pots 500 ml Matt bindex 2 pots 500 ml Bindex mate 2 botes 500 ml 4 Gels 2 pots 250 ml + 2 pots 500 ml 4 Gels 2 pots 250 ml + 2 pots 500 ml 4 Geles 2 botes 250 ml + 2 botes 500 ml 4 Mortiers 2 pots 250 ml 4 Mortar 2 pots 250 ml 4 Mortero 2 botes 250 ml 2 Médiums 6 flacons 75 ml + 6 pots 250 ml 2 Mediums 6 bottles 75 ml + 6 pots 250 ml 2 Médiums 6 frascos 75 ml + 6 botes 250 ml Vernis brillant 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 250 ml + 6 flacons 75 ml Gloss varnish 2 pots 500 ml + 2 pots 250 ml + 6 bottles 75 ml Barniz brillante 2 botes 500 ml + 2 botes 250 ml + 6 frascos 75 ml 3 Vernis 6 flacons 75 ml + 2 pots 250 ml 3 Varnish 6 bottles 75 ml + 2 pots 250 ml 3 Barniz 6 frascos 75 ml + 2 botes 250 ml Nettoyant pinceaux 6 flacons 75 ml + 2 pots 245 ml Brush cleaner 6 bottles 75 ml + 2 pots 245 ml Limpiador de pinceles 6 frascos 75 ml + 2 botes 245 ml Décapant universel 6 flacons 75 ml Universal paint remover 6 bottles 75 ml Decapante universal 6 frascos 75 ml B352997FR Présentoir Auxiliaires Artist Acrylics gamme longue B352997GB Artist Acrylics Auxiliaries long display Expositor largo Auxiliares Artist Acrylics 108 cm
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